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On my way to the Weddell Sea and Antarctica Flying into Cape Town About, no exactly 9 days ago I left Nottingham and flew to Frankfurt to catch the 'group flight' from there to Cape Town S.A. About 75 of us, scientists and crew have been in strict hotel solitary isolation since. We have watched the glorious weather from inside our hotel rooms, catching up on work and getting ready for the adventure. The view from my hotel room - the mountains were ever changing. Four PCR tests down and one more day to go until we board RV Polarstern. The ship is already in port and will soon be ready for us, we are definitely ready here! Once we are aboard I'm looking forward to eight weeks of research and fabulous scenery with great 'sciencey' conversation. You can follow the expedition at 
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How did it happen that we have our own little bit of Abruzzo?

A few years ago I found myself thinking more and more about Abruzzo after having spent two glorious summer holidays on the beaches and in the towns near Lanciano. We had extra virgin olive oil sent to our house in the UK. I wanted to be more 'Abruzzese' and perhaps have a few olive trees in a mini-grove somewhere in that area. Somehow or another the stars aligned and we now find ourselves owners of a stone house in a small hill-top town in the very southern part of Chieti province. Of course we have had help. So much help from English speaking Italians and Italian speaking Italians (who can make you feel welcome with a nod and a smile and a waterfall of their beautiful language). We were so lucky with our estate agent . So here I would like to post some experiences and updates, from time to time....

February in Abruzzo

The Trabocco at Termoli - a traditional fishing platform View to Molise across the Trigno River Our first foray into pruning the olive trees Very fresh fish (still flapping!) at a roadside stall on Via Adriatica Quite close by to the fresh fish we are served frito misto - yum! One of the reasons we chose this part of Italy - fresh, local reasonably priced seasonal produce. Gelato A return to the beach at San Vito Chietino - where we first discovered Abruzzo Termoli piazza - verdigris doorway